Lawn care can be an obsession with some and an art for others. It is also an escape from work and other concerns. Something that most of us don't realize is that it also an investment that can garner a higher selling price.
With all of the new home that are popping up in the Montgomery County Area and with so many inexperienced first time home owners lawn care is a new trial and error learning experience. So we can start with the fundamentals of lawn care and gardening (weeding, feeding, seeding, watering, etc).
Lets start out with feeding your new investment. One of the products that I use is the Scotts® Turf Builder® Systems which help the beginner work your way to a thicker, greener healthy lawn.
One of the tips that my father has used when cutting his lawn is to Mow the Grass Tall. Set the mower on one of the higher settings. This helps to promote deeper root growth.
The biggest hurdles that most homeowners will face are the pesky weeds and insects that choke and destroy the root systems that we are so feverishly trying to maintain.
Some additional areas to investigate are:
• Aeration and Dethatching
• Edging and Trimming
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