For the seasoned gardener and for the adventurous novice gardener starting your garden from seed can be quite rewarding.
Some of the advantages of starting your plants from seed are:
Getting the jump start for enjoying an earlier crop.
Variety of plants.
Healthly stronger plants.
There are a few choices on how to start your seedlings. You can purchase different type of pots or even make your own paper pots. One of my favorite places to look for interesting and innovative planting tips and tools is
Gardners Supply Company.
"How to Guide" to getting started:
Pots or trays
Sterilized potting soil
Choose your seeds
It's Time To Plant the Seeds:
Fill the container with soil, sow the seeds into the container by making a depression with your finger and then covering lightly with soil, add water transfer the container to a spot where it is exposed to the sun. Remember to water the seedlings regularly and expose them to sunlight and warmth and rotating the seedling containers for even sunlight exposure.
Now, wait for the seeds to germinate. Seeds develop at different intervals. The seeds will germinate if you can maintain an even soil temperature of 80 to 85 degrees. Another tip is to cover your seed containers with plastic wrap to maintain moisture or a small portable greenhouse could also be used.
The first change that is noticable are the first set of leaves and then the second set will emerge shortly after. Continue to turn rotate the containers daily and water regularly.
The seedlings may also need to have some additional nutrients so choose a plant fertilizer and dilute it to half the strenght using a spray bottle for delivery.
At some point when the seedlings have grown to a nice size they will either need to be replanted in a larger pot which can be planted directly into the ground once the fear of frost is gone. If you live in an area that will still have the possibility of frost make sure to be prepare to cover your plants to protect them from the frost.
REMEMBER WATER WARMTH AND LIGHT are your seedlings Friends!!!!